Hook 'em High

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HordeHook 'em High
Start Harkkan
End Harkkan
Level 30-35
Type Daily
Category Twilight Highlands
Experience 55,200
Reputation +250 Dragonmaw Clan
Rewards 9g (13g 15s 50c at 85)


Use the Barbed Fleshook to dismount and kill 4 Thundermar Gryphon Riders.


The Wildhammer can train war gryphons faster than we can subvert and control drakes. We can't let them continue to outnumber us!

Hunt gryphon riders flying over the river north of Bloodgulch. Take this hook and fling it at them as they fly by. Their momentum will hurl them from their mount, right to your feet. Kill the dismounted gryphon riders!


You will receive: 9g (13g 15s 50c at 85)


You made that look easy, <name>.

Get the Wildhammer off of their mounts and they're nothing!


Not all of the gryphons will carry a Gryphon Rider, so look for the ones that carry a trail of lightning behind them.

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