High Priest Venoxis (Horde)

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HordeHigh Priest Venoxis
Start Automatic
End Chabal
Level 10-30
Category Cape of Stranglethorn
Experience 4,050
Rewards  [Chabal's Favorite Ring], or
 [Boots of the Foolhardy], or
 [Cloak of Great Endeavors]
Previous B [10-30] Plunging Into Zul'Gurub
For the Alliance version of this quest, see A [10-30] High Priest Venoxis.


Deal with Zanzil the Outcast and High Priest Venoxis.

If you become lost or need to return to Zul'Gurub, speak with Chabal at Hardwrench Hideaway.


Venoxis was the second of the two priests that Zanzil planned to bring back from the dead. You have already succeeded in destroying the body of High Priestess Jeklik... Venoxis must be the next.


I ask you to slay Zanzil the Outcast, a lowly, hermetic exile of the Gurubashi, and what do you do? You dash headfirst into the Gurubashi capital and eliminate one of their High Priests! Very nearly two! Only one word suffices to explain such a rash and foolhardy endeavor:


Jin'do the Hexxer still walks within Zul'Gurub's walls, but he lost one of his legs when you crushed Jeklik. Today's battle is ours.


You will receive:

  • 95s
  • 4,050 XP
You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Inv jewelry ring 37.png [Chabal's Favorite Ring] Inv boots leather 11v3.png [Boots of the Foolhardy]
Inv misc cape 05.png [Cloak of Great Endeavors]


  1. B [10-30] Backdoor Dealings
  2. B [10-30] Eliminate the Outcast
  3. B [10-30] Through the Troll Hole
  4. B [10-30] High Priestess Jeklik
  5. B [10-30] Plunging Into Zul'Gurub
  6. B [10-30] High Priest Venoxis

Patch changes

External links