Help the Bombardier! I'm the Bombardier!

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  • 10 Achievement points
  • Kill 10 Schnottz infantry with one artillery shell during the Fire From the Sky daily quest in Uldum.

Help the Bombardier! I'm the Bombardier! is a quest achievement earned for killing ten Schnottz infantry with one artillery shell during the N [30-35 Daily] Fire From the Sky daily quest in Uldum.

Despite the description, it is much easier to to take a Multiple Rounds Simultaneous Impact-like approach by firing one shell way, way off in the distance and firing another shell closer to the viewpoint, timing it such that the shells land at the same time.

It is also possible to earn this achievement during the initial N [30-35] Fire From the Sky quest offered by Harrison.


MRSI in the real world is the practice of firing multiple shells to hit the same location at the same time. That technique is not possible with this quest.

The name for this achievement comes from the book Catch-22.

Patch changes

External links