Help Mudsprocket

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HordeHelp Mudsprocket
Start Nazeer Bloodpike
End Drazzit Dripvalve
Level 15-30
Category Dustwallow Marsh
Experience 410


Speak with Drazzit Dripvalve at Mudsprocket.


The Steamwheedle Cartel's new outpost in the southern part of the marsh isn't faring so well. The zeppelin carrying supplies to Mudsprocket crashed, leaving them without vital tools, food, and medical supplies.

Follow the road down south and into the marsh's interior. You'll pass by Tabetha's Farm and the Stonemaul Ruins before the road brings you to Mudsprocket. Offer any help you can provide to the town's leadership.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 410 XP (or 2s 40c at level 70)


I won't turn down any help! We're in the process of setting up here and trying to make the most of what we've got, until those supplies from the zeppelin arrive.

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