Help:CVar articles/Preload

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One line stating important info, such as the cvar being bugged, or not to change from the default.

Usually 1 line about what the cvar does. Feel free to add more info if necessary to explain the cvar properly.

Default setting


Possible settings

description of what setting does
description of what setting does
description of what setting does

Changing this setting

In-game, type the following

/console cvarname setting

Alternatively, you can exit wow, open the file, and add the following line:

SET cvarname setting

This CVar requires a game engine restart to go into effect. In-game, type the following

/console cvarname setting

Do NOT Alt-F4 out of wow or this CVar will not be applied when you load WoW again.

Alternatively, you can exit wow, open the file, and add the following line:

SET cvarname setting

Patch changes

External links
