Hatred Becomes Us

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NeutralHatred Becomes Us

Crazed Shado-Pan Ranger
Start Yalia Sagewhisper [82.6, 73.0]
End Yalia Sagewhisper [82.6, 73.0]
Level 25-35
Category Townlong Steppes
Experience 196000
Reputation +75 Shado-Pan
Rewards  [Totem of Harmony]
Previous N [25-35] What Lies Beneath
Next N [25-35] The Point of No Return


Use the Totem of Harmony to exorcise sha spirits from 8 Crazed Shado-Pan Rangers. Defeat the Seething Hatreds to purify your allies.


I should have suspected a sha presence earlier!

We are safe as long as we stand inside the Totem of Harmony's protective wards, but many of our people were not so lucky.

They were trapped outside the camp when the sha's powers manifested, and now they turn upon each other!

Take one of my totems with you. Place the totem near a crazed ally to purify them, but beware.

You may have to face the darkness that gripped them.


You will receive:


Our people are possessed by hatred. We must help them come to their senses!


Thank you.

The sha preys on the weak and the vulnerable.

If we are not vigilant, even the strongest of us can succumb to the sha's dark influence.


On accept:

Yalia Sagewhisper says: <Name>, it is dangerous out there. For your own safety, make use of the totem I gave you!

Pick up N [25-35] Spiteful Spirits before heading out.

Look for Crazed Shado-Pan Rangers and drop a Totem of Harmony on them to pop out a Seething Hatred. Kill the hatred, with the guard's help. Additionally, Spiteful Spirits will spawn aggroed upon the player from potentially halfway across the map. Stay relatively close to guards if possible. Be aware of the progress bar keeping track of Hatred. If it reaches 100, a Seething Hatred will pop out!

Be warned that the totem has a several-second cast and will be interrupted by taking damage, so plan ahead!


Optional breadcrumb: N [25-35] In Search of Suna

  1. N [25-35] Dust to Dust & N [25-35] Slaying the Scavengers & N [25-35] Totemic Research & N [25-35] Last Toll of the Yaungol
  2. N [25-35] What Lies Beneath
  3. N [25-35] Hatred Becomes Us & N [25-35] Spiteful Spirits
  4. N [25-35] The Point of No Return

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