Gurubashi, Vilebranch, and Witherbark Coins

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For the World of Warcraft: Classic quest, see N [60] Gurubashi, Vilebranch, and Witherbark Coins.
NeutralGurubashi, Vilebranch, and Witherbark Coins
Start Rin'wosho the Trader
End Rin'wosho the Trader
Level 1-80
Category Zul'Gurub
Rewards  [Zandalar Bargaining Token]
Repeatable Yes


I seek the Paragons of Power known as the Coins of the Tribes.  They are the currency used by the various denizens of Zul'Gurub, and each is imbued with subtle but powerful mojo.

There are nine distinct kinds to be found.  Should you have any extra, I will trade you a Bargaining Token for a set of three.

And yes, you will be bringing those right back to me soon enough.


Excellent - this set of coins will make a fine addition to my growing collection.

Here's your token, as promised.


You will receive:
Inv misc coin 08.png [Zandalar Bargaining Token]

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