Guise of the Deceiver

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NeutralGuise of the Deceiver
Start Gar'rok [75, 22.8]
End Gar'rok [75, 22.8]
Level 35-40
Category Nagrand
Experience 14,800
Rewards 14g 60s
Previous B [35-40] Elemental Attunement, N [35-40] Guardians of the Plateau, N [35-40] Earth, Wind and Fire...and Water, N [35-40] A Rare Bloom, N [35-40] A Wrong of Earth and Fire
Next N [35-40] The Debt We Share


Speak with Challe to discover the truth.

  • Speak with Challe
    • Challe defeated


In a cave not far from here, there lives an old woman named Challe.

I knew Challe many years ago when I was young; though as I have become old and grey, she has kept her youth and beauty.

Challe was jealous of my love for Dahaka and I have long suspected that Challe had a part in her death. However, without evidence I could not bring justice against her.

Meet with Challe and tell her that I am dying. Tell her that I wish to know the truth of Dahaka's fate before I leave this world.

Gor'rok says: I have always suspected Challe, but I have not had the proof necessary to bring justice upon her.


You will receive:

  • 14g 60s
  • 14,800 XP




Challe, that iniquitous wretch!

If only I had proof of her treachery long ago, I would have ripped the villainous heart from her chest and crushed it beneath my foot!

You have brought me the truth as I asked, for that you have my thanks.


Speaking with Challe
I don't see many visitors all the way out here. It is so very nice to have a guest.
Will you be staying for dinner?
Gossip I wish to know the truth about Dahaka. What do you know of her death?
Challe says: So that poor fool Gar'rok is dying and wishes to know the truth?
Challe says: I remember Dahaka. She was as you see me now...
Challe says: ...until I drained the life from her wretched body!
Challe yells: Gar'rok is a fool! I would have shared this power with him!
Challe yells: I will devour you!
Challe yells: Cower before my true power!


  1. A [35-40] Nobundo Sends Word / H [35-40] The Farseer Awaits
  2. B [35-40] Called to the Throne
  3. Complete all of
  4. N [35-40] Guise of the Deceiver
  5. N [35-40] The Debt We Share
  6. B [35-40] The Ritual of Binding
  7. B [35-40] The Call of Oshu'gun
  8. B [35-40] Dark Binding / B [35-40] The Pale Threat
  9. B [35-40] The Fate of Gordawg / B [35-40] The Dark Heart of Oshu'gun

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