Growing Wood (Horde)

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HordeGrowing Wood
Start Penny Clobberbottom
End Penny Clobberbottom
Level 15-40
Category Gorgrond
Experience 13970
Rewards Item level 528 bracers
18g 30s
Previous H [15-40] Tangleheart
Next H [15-40] Penny For Your Thoughts
For the Alliance version of this quest, see A [15-40] Growing Wood.


Collect 100 Ancient Growth Sap from botani or ancients within Tangleheart.


I found this dwarf, Thuldren, runnin' out of Tangleheart like his boots were on fire. Says his mole machine showed up here and he barely made it out alive. And another called Frenna might still be inside. One useful thing he told me is that the creatures in there have sap that can be used to grow things real fast. By the way, I'm gonna go lookin' for Thuldren's mole machine. Find me in Tangleheart when you're done.


You will receive one of:

Item level 528 bracers
Inv bracer cloth draenorquest90 b 01.png [Steamburst Wristwraps] Inv plate draenorquest90 b 01bracer.png [Foundry-Fired Plate Wristwraps]
Inv mail draenorquest90 b 01bracer.png [Wildwood Wrangler Wristwraps] Inv bracer leather draenorquest90 b 01.png [Overgrowth Cutter Wristwraps]

You will also receive: 18g 30s


Don't be such a sap. Get it?!


You got it! You should be able to use this mole machine one way back to your outpost.


  • 13970 XP


Pick up H [15-40] Lost Lumberjack before heading out. Then follow the path a hundred or so yards to find Frenna's corpse. Turn in her quest, then pick up her followups.

In the greater Tangleheart area, focus on killing Draenor ancients until the requisite four are dead, then shift over to botani to get the last of the  [Ancient Growth Sap]. Ontogen the Harvester is in the western lake, and Pollen Pods are all over the area.


  1. B [15-40] Tangleheart
  2. Complete all of
    1. B [15-40] Lost Lumberjack
    2. Complete all of:
  3. A [15-40] Lumber, I Hardly Knew 'Er / H [15-40] Penny For Your Thoughts

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