Green Tinted Goggles

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Female gnome wearing Green Tinted Goggles.

Headwear made and worn by people with the Engineering skill. Goggles improve Stamina and Versatility, and look attractive too!


This item is created with Engineering (150); taught by trainers.

Materials required:
Inv misc leatherscrap 05.png 4x [Medium Leather] Inv misc gem emerald 02.png 2x [Moss Agate]
Inv helmet 47.png 1x [Flying Tiger Goggles]

As an ingredient



150 Engineering skill is required to wear these goggles as well as to craft them. As an Engineer-only item, they are probably not worth trying to sell in the Auction House.  [Medium Leather] may be irritating to attain, as the preferred side-along profession is mining. Try the aforementioned Auction House or farm treasure chests.

These are popular among level 19 twinks given the skill cap at that level is 150.

Patch changes

  • Legion-Logo-Small.png Patch 7.0.3 (2016-07-19): Armor reduced. Spirit replaced with Versatility.

External links