Greater Healthstone

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For the retail item, see  [Healthstone].
  • Greater Healthstone
  • Conjured Item
  • Use: Instantly restores 800 life. (2 Min Cooldown)
  • Requires Level 36

Greater Healthstones are created with a warlock's [Create Healthstone (Greater)] spell.

Patch changes

  • Cata-Logo-Small.png Patch 4.0.1 (2010-10-12): Removed. All Healthstone ranks merged into a single item.
  • Wrath-Logo-Small.png Patch 3.0.2 (2008-10-14): Healthstones are globally unique, regardless of talents. You can only have one.

See also

External links

Base Improved Healthstone
Rank 1
Improved Healthstone
Rank 2