Glyph of Hawk Feast

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  • Glyph of Hawk Feast
  • Use: Permanently teaches you this glyph.

    Your Execute critical strikes summon a flock of carrion birds.
  • Classes: Warrior
  • Requires Level 11
  • Sell Price: 1s

Glyph of Hawk Feast (previously known as Glyph of Crow Feast) is a warrior glyph that causes a flock of carrion birds to appear when [Execute] gets a critical strike.


This item is created with Inscription (300); discovered through  [Research: Jadefire Ink].

Materials required:
Inv inscription papyrus.png 1x [Light Parchment] Inv inscription inkgreen03.png 3x [Jadefire Ink]

Required tools:  [Virtuoso Inking Set]

Patch changes

  • Legion-Logo-Small.png Patch 7.0.3 (2016-07-19): Name changed to "Glyph of Hawk Feast" from "Glyph of Crow Feast." Skill to learn recipe reduced to 150 from 525. Now uses Jadefire Ink rather than Ink of Dreams.
  • Mists-Logo-Small.png Patch 5.0.4 (2012-08-28): Added.

External links