Glomp is Sitting On It

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HordeGlomp is Sitting On It
Start Tony Two-Tusk
End Tony Two-Tusk
Level 5-30
Category Northern Barrens
Experience 740
Rewards 11s 30c
Previous H [5-30] Take it up with Tony
Next H [5-30] Guns. We Need Guns.
Beware his low center of gravity.


Kill Glomp and grab Glomp's Booty.


What? Leave it to Dizzywig to expect a mutiny on the cheap.

No matter, mon, we can make this work. First we need the money. Cap'n Garvey likes to hoard the loot we've been earnin', money I can use to pay off my handpicked mutineers.

The treasure pile is just outside the barracks here. You'll need to take care of Cap'n Garvey's "treasurer" first. Now, Glomp ain't no pushover. Believe me, I tried pushing him over once. He don't budge for nothin'.


You will receive:

  • 11s 30c
  • 740 XP


You got the cash? That money will go a long way to winnin' over the hearts and minds of heartless, thoughtless cutthroats.


Look at that. We're loaded! In mutiny, you gotta make the money first. Then when you get the money, you get the power. Let's go get some power, <name>...


  1. H [5-30] Take it up with Tony
  2. H [5-30] Glomp is Sitting On It
  3. H [5-30] Guns. We Need Guns.
  4. H [5-30] Mutiny, Mon!

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