Gildenite Grab (Venthyr)

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For other versions, see Gildenite Grab.
VenthyrGildenite Grab
Start The Curator
End The Curator
Level 60 (Requires 60)
Type Calling Quest
Category Venthyr Callings
Reputation +1,500 The Ascended


Collect 5 Gildenite from rare monsters and treasure chests in Bastion.


The golden ore known as gildenite is found only in Bastion. Used to make many of their own armors, it is useful to us all. We harden our own armors and weapons with it, and it holds magical charge well.

Our stores are nearly depleted, and we have little to trade, but our needs are great.

Let us reflect.

In Bastion, there are those that have turned their backs on their own people.

We may relieve these deceivers of their gildenite without remorse.


You will receive:


Have you returned with gildenite?

Patch changes

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