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Gear Enchanting

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NeutralGear Enchanting
Start Ellerdin
End Ellerdin
Level 70-80
Category Dornogal
Experience 4,650
Rewards Enchant Ring - Glimmering Critical Strike
or Enchant Ring - Glimmering Haste
or Enchant Ring - Glimmering Mastery
or Enchant Ring - Glimmering Versatility
14g 4s 50c


Complete the item enchantment tutorial by using the items received from Ellerdin, or with your own items.

  • Enchant Ring - Glimmering Haste


Hello, outlander!

I've heard of your exploits since your dramatic arrival on our shores. We earthen welcome your aid.

I can teach you how to enchant your gear with resources from my land. To defeat our enemies, every bit of power helps.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
  • Inv misc questionmark.png
    • Enchant Ring - Glimmering Critical Strike
    • This item is not yet in Warcraft Wiki.
    • Contribute it using the Item Boilerplate.
    • Look up in: ω þ
  • Inv misc questionmark.png
    • Enchant Ring - Glimmering Haste
    • This item is not yet in Warcraft Wiki.
    • Contribute it using the Item Boilerplate.
    • Look up in: ω þ
  • Inv misc questionmark.png
    • Enchant Ring - Glimmering Mastery
    • This item is not yet in Warcraft Wiki.
    • Contribute it using the Item Boilerplate.
    • Look up in: ω þ
  • Inv misc questionmark.png
    • Enchant Ring - Glimmering Versatility
    • This item is not yet in Warcraft Wiki.
    • Contribute it using the Item Boilerplate.
    • Look up in: ω þ

You will also receive:

  • 13g 81s
  • 4,650 XP




May you be undefeatable as the earth itself. On your way now, outlander!


Upon accept
Ellerdin says: Here, take these. The scroll's power is a perfect match for the ring, but you can also enchant your own rings if you wish.

During the alpha, the quest was named Enchanting Tutorial.



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