Garrison Campaign: In the Shadows (Horde)

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HordeGarrison Campaign: In the Shadows
Start Reshad
End Reshad
Level 40 (Requires 40)
Category Garrison Campaign
Experience 15,070
Rewards Oil (25)
15g 40s
Next B [40] Friends Above
For the Alliance version of this quest, see A [40] Garrison Campaign: In the Shadows.


Kill 3 Council Nightblades within Vol'mar.


I need your help. Iskar has gone missing. I have reason to believe he has followed the remnants of the Sethekk who have been gathering here in Tanaan. I've been investigating and... what was that?

<Reshad's voice drops to a whisper>

There is movement in the shadows, we are being watched!

Take these vials, they form a gas with a terrible smell when the liquid comes in contact with the air. Smells terrible, they won't be able to resist it. Use them to drive our watchers out of hiding.


So the Shadow Council is involved? Interesting...


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