Gameplay alternatives

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These are alternative ways to play World of Warcraft which are supported very little, if at all, by the game itself. For the most part, they represent variations created by players with self-enforced rules.

Rule often work well in conjunction with others. They work best when combined with a coherent role-playing narrative.


Twinking is the most common alternative play style. To twink is to stop a character's advancement below the top level, and to outfit the character as well as possible. It is supported in several ways. The game allows you to disable experience gains at any time, and twinks in battlegrounds are set up against other twinks rather than normal players.

The Hated

Hated characters attempt to become "hated" with all possible factions, even their own. They attack all yellow NPCs. It is helpful to click the "at war" checkbox in the reputation tab with all factions that will allow it.


Pacifist characters do not kill anything. No action that increases the "Total kills" statistic (in the statistics tab) is allowed. This play style has become easier (even possible?) with Cataclysm, since mining and herb-gathering grant experience.

Economic rules

  • Living off the land - No items can be traded, sold, or purchased with any player or NPC. The auction house is not used. Any items not useful to the player are destroyed or left un-looted. It may be permissible to pay for repairs with gold drops.
  • Lone hero - The economic impact of other players is ignored, as if the character were the only hero of the land. NPC vendors may be fully used. Trading with other characters is prohibited, and the auction house is not used.

Equipment rules

  • Gray equipment - Only gray equipment is worn.
  • Self-outfitter - Must equip something made by the character in any slot that the character is capable of making equipment for. Not recommended for inscription.
  • Naked - No equipment is worn. It's generally interpreted to mean that no equipment can be worn which provides any gameplay benefit. Therefore, shirts and other clothing with no bonuses are permitted. Most armor, off-hand items, weapons, rings, trinkets, and necklaces are not allowed.


  • Hardcore - Death is permanent.
  • Equipment penalty - Upon dying, a random piece of worn equipment must be destroyed.