Freezing the Pipes

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NeutralFreezing the Pipes
Start Brivelthwerp [69.9, 85.2]
End Brivelthwerp [69.9, 85.2]
Level 15-30
Category Thousand Needles
Experience 460
Rewards 55s
Previous N [15-30] The Greatest Flavor in the World!, N [15-30] We All Scream for Ice Cream... and then Die!


Use the I-Scream Cryocannon to freeze the four pipes inside the cave.

  • First pipe frozen
  • Second pipe frozen
  • Third pipe frozen
  • Fourth pipe frozen
  •  [I-Scream Cryocannon] (provided)


It's time to break out the I-Scream Cryocannon!

We lifted the tech from the frost cannons on the river boats. If it's one thing that we gnomes are good at, it's miniaturization by way of making everything else that much bigger!

I need you to take the cannon down there into the cave and freeze the pipes we setup in the walls. That'll jumpstart them.


You will receive: 55s


There are four main pipes already setup in the cave. I need you to freeze each of them so that the refrigerant can start flowing.


Do you hear that, <name>? That's the sweet hum of the refrigeration kicking in.

We'll be able to store our inventory down there in no time. Thank you!


Pick up N [15-30] That Smart One's Gotta Go before jumping in.

  • 66.0|86.5|Ping|First pipe
  • 65.3|87.0|Ping|Second pipe
  • 65.0|84.5|Ping|Third pipe
  • 64.9|85.7|Ping|Fourth pipe

This concludes the chain. Head back to the Speedbarge or up to the other areas — the Southsea Holdfast and the Splithoof Heights.


  1. B [15-30] Special Delivery for Brivelthwerp
  2. N [15-30] The Greatest Flavor in the World! / N [15-30] We All Scream for Ice Cream... and then Die!
  3. N [15-30] Freezing the Pipes / N [15-30] That Smart One's Gotta Go

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