Forum:Usefull Macros for druid cleanup

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Forums: Village pump → Usefull Macros for druid cleanup
(This topic is archived. Please do not edit this page!)

Looking for comments

I've been working to cleanup the page and update the macros. I'm not quite done yet, but I would like to have some comments as to the work I have done and know where I could futher improve the page. I'm also looking for ideas to create bran new macros. Thanks!--Enalung (talk) 00:07, 25 March 2011 (UTC)

The "4.0.6" part text in the sections ("Crowd Controll 4.0.6") is not needed - just add a line below the section where it says it works with patch 4.0.6. Needs some spell checking, but apart from that it looks good. --g0urra[T҂C] 00:25, 25 March 2011 (UTC)
The reason I placed 4.0.6 like that is that it makes it far easier at a glance to know exactly what needs updating when editing. It also quickly indicates to anyone looking for a macro how recent is the last update on that particular macro. Enalung (talk) 06:56, 25 March 2011 (UTC)

Macro pages should be broken up

I'm thinking that breaking up the macro pages might be a good idea. The macro pages are extremely long and that makes them hard to read.

I have done some web programming experience. Paying attention to which websites are popular and my own personal tastes as a user, I have definitly noticed a preference for pages which where you don't need to scroll a mile to get to what you want. From my experience, the most efficient presentation is no longer then 2 screens, or about 2000 pixels.

However, to acheive the desired effect, this would have to be done for all classes. In fact, I beleive the entire section could be reorganised. Some macros, such as focus and mouseover healing macros can be used as templates no matter the class. There is no need to have a version of those for every single healing class out there. I would favor creating macro templates with simple instructions as to how to get em working. Most of the time, this will only involve replacing <spell> by [Healing Touch]...

Only the more specialised macros need a page of their own. As the specs are so specialised nowdays, I believe it would be a good idea to give each spec it's own page. From there, you could make a portal page linking it all toguether. The portal page could be class specific and give references to everything concerning a class.

For exemple, for druids, the current usefull macro page could be broken up as ...

  • Class Information
    • Abilities
    • Glyphs
    • Armor Sets
    • Druid trainers
    • Quests
  • General Info
    • Leveling a Druid
    • Important Links
  • Macros
    • General
      • Focus Macros
      • Healing Macros
    • Spec Specific
      • Balance Macros
      • Feral Cat Macros
      • Feral Bear Macros
      • Feral Shape Smart Macros
      • Old Pre-Cata Macros
    • Ressources
      • How to custumise druid macros
      • Macro based interface ideas
      • Macro format guidelines
  • Interface
    • Addons
    • UI Setup
      • Feral
      • Balance
      • Resto
      • Raid
      • PvP
  • PvP
    • General Druid Tactics
    • As Feral
      • Glyphs and Talents
      • Tactics
    • As Balance
      • Glyphs and Talents
      • Tactics
    • As Resto
      • Glyphs and Talents
      • Tactics
  • PvE
    • General Druid Tactics
    • As Feral
      • Glyphs and Talents
      • Tactics
      • Gearing Strategy, Stats, Gems and Enchants
      • Best in slot item list (Pre-Heroic)
      • Best in slot item list (Pre-Raid)
      • Best in slot item list (Pre-Heroic Raid)
      • Best in slot item list (Heroic Raid)
    • As Balance
      • Glyphs and Talents
      • Tactics
      • Gearing Strategy, Stats, Gems and Enchants
      • Best in slot (Pre-Heroic)
      • Best in slot (Pre-Raid)
      • Best in slot item list (Pre-Heroic Raid)
      • Best in slot item list (Heroic Raid)
    • As Resto
      • Glyphs and Talents
      • Tactics
      • Gearing Strategy, Stats, Gems and Enchants
      • Best in slot (Pre-Heroic)
      • Best in slot (Pre-Raid)
      • Best in slot item list (Pre-Heroic Raid)
      • Best in slot item list (Heroic Raid)
  • Druid Lore
    • Important Locations
      • Nordrasil
      • Moonglade
    • Important Characters
      • Malfurion
    • History

Enalung (talk) 07:19, 25 March 2011 (UTC)

If by "portal page" you mean the Druid article, then what you propose would be too long. It's better to have a short summary of the section, with a {{main}} link at the top. For example a section called "Macros" with a link to Useful macros for druids at the top. --g0urra[T҂C] 12:58, 25 March 2011 (UTC)
The main page of this website is an exemple of a portal page. Notice the page name. Portal:Main A portal page is not meant to be an article page, a portal page is meant as convenient way to regroup articles related to the same subject in a logical way in order to make them easy to navigate. Enalung (talk) 13:07, 25 March 2011 (UTC)
You want to create a Portal:Druid article? Sorry, but it won't happen. Stick to the main druid article. --g0urra[T҂C] 13:24, 25 March 2011 (UTC)
I just feel that those pages, by their lenght are somewhat hard to navigate and could be broken in smaller chuncks. It is also harder then it should be for anyone not acustumed to a wiki to navigate between all the druid pages to find the relevant information. I won't do such massive change without aproval, but I do think they are nescessary. For now, I'll simply update and perhaps reformat some of the druid content. Enalung (talk) 13:35, 25 March 2011 (UTC)
There is a navigation box to the right that helps with trying to find relevant information related to the class. --g0urra[T҂C] 13:37, 25 March 2011 (UTC)
I did notice the navigation box. It dosen't begin to solve some of the problems present within those page. For exemple, the focus macros that I posted on the Useful_macros_for_druids page are relevant to all classes. Should one post a version of those on the Usefull Macro page of every single class? That is not really a solution as far as I'm concerned. What then, create a page specificaly for focus macros? But then you end up with another problem. Those really belong in the which Useful_macros isn't linked anywhere on the Useful_macros_for_druids page. Where do you link it? Without a link to it, most users visiting that page will ignore it even exists! Fast forward a bit, and you get the mess that I'm currently cleaning up on the Useful_macros_for_druids page. A lot of those macros really belong in the Useful_macros page, but were added by users on the Useful_macros_for_druids page because those users never found the Useful_macros in the first place. As for the How to Custumise Druid Macro section in the Useful_macros_for_druids page, I created that section to avoid having some of that macro bloat reposted. You know as well as I do that information really should be referenced to the apropriate page in the macro section. There are plenty of similar situations. There is clearly a navigation problem here. Enlighten me, I'm curious. Enalung (talk) 14:13, 25 March 2011 (UTC)
There is a box to the right with each class icon, linking to the appropriate "Useful macros for <class>" article. --g0urra[T҂C] 14:08, 25 March 2011 (UTC)
I forgot to sign my post again... Anyhow, I'm not sure you really understand what I'm saying. I'll see if I can come up with a better solution then that How to Custumize macro section. I have my idea about that. Enalung (talk) 14:13, 25 March 2011 (UTC)
There's no "navigation problem" if the necessary navigation templates are there. You have to explain the problem better. --g0urra[T҂C] 14:18, 25 March 2011 (UTC)
I think I did clearly enough in that last paragraph. Taking the same exemple, here is the sequence of events...
  • The focus macro is relevant to all classes
    • This is the case for many other macros
    • Most of those macros have similar copies on the usefull macro pages of almost all classes.
    • They really belong in the Useful_macros page.
    • Users cannot find the Useful_macros because there is no links from Useful_macros_for_druids to Useful_macros
      • As a consequence, users assume the macro does not exists and create a copy of it on the usefull macro pages for their class.
      • This creates unnescessary bloat within the wiki.
      • The page is cleaned up, and the cycle begins again.
Do you see where the flaw is? I never disputed the fact that class information was linked. What I am saying is that some relevant information which should be linked isn't there. I have my idea how to take care of the problem, I'll take care of that later today and repost here when I do, see what you think. My plan is to transform the How to customize theses macros section into a Ressource section with the relevant links.
Looks like I did it again... Forgot to sign... Enalung (talk) 15:59, 25 March 2011 (UTC)
I won't have time to take care of it today. I guess it will be for tomorow, or another day. Enalung (talk) 19:35, 25 March 2011 (UTC)