Forum:Updating the maps?

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Forums: Village pump → Updating the maps?
(This topic is archived. Please do not edit this page!)

The patch is out at last (even if it doesn't work yet; everything's gonna be down for another 4-5 hours or so, unless they run into yet more problems) so would it be ideal to update all of the current maps for the zone templates - the zones that have not been split, i.e. Western Plaguelands, Thousand Needles, etc.? As in, renaming all the old ones as "WorldMap-<zone>-old" and renaming all the Cata ones in their place, or something like that. --IconSmall Deathwing.gif Joshmaul, Loremaster of Chaos (Leave a Message) 20:43, 23 November 2010 (UTC)