Forum:Troggs...whys it gotta be troggs?

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Forums: Village pump → Troggs...whys it gotta be troggs?
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So by now, everyone has played through the disappointing Cataclysm storyline and we are left hanging, lore-wise. As a lore fanatic, I must point out a few things...because someone has to be a stick in the mud. One of the many questions raised is this: Why are there troggs in Deepholm? These creatures were a failed experiment of the Titans, and yet the Titans had nothing to do with the Plane of Earth. There is literally no explanation for their existence. And speaking of Troggs...why are they in Grim Batol? In the beta, they planned for the mobs to be Skardyn, even going so far as to name the mobs Skardyn, but they used the model of the troggs as a placeholder. Skardyn have absolutely every reason to be in Grim Batol. Troggs...dont. Once again, there is absolutely no explanation for their existence besides Blizzard getting lazy and deciding to change the mobs to their placeholders. Opinions? --Blacktouch (talk) 11:53, 20 January 2011 (UTC)

Regarding Deepholm: There *is* a huge portal to Uldum in Deepholm. I just assumed that the troggs (and the earthen present in the zone as well) came through via that. Regarding Grim Batol: I chalk it up to cutting corners to get the xpac out in time. StarNeptune (talk) 12:12, 20 January 2011 (UTC)
The portal only really seems to go one way, as there doesnt seem to be a portal in Uldum. But for that matter, why is almost every denizen of Deepholm a Draenor native? Colossi? Flayers? Fungal giants? It seems more like theres a portal to Draenor than Uldum. I understand they wanted to save on time, but I gladly would have waited the extra week it would have taken to implement the Elemental Castes that we were all waiting for. Also...mercury elementals? Is there a fifth elemental lord we werent aware of? Can you imagine that on Captain Planet? "Earth!" "Fire!" "Wind!" Water!" "..." "O crap, he seems to have died of mercury poisoning..." But anyway, the Stone Lords talk about the troggs and earthen as though they were native. If anything, it was the...fungal giants...that came from Uldum...? Blacktouch (talk) 12:26, 20 January 2011 (UTC)
"Titans had nothing to do with the Plane of Earth..." ← Wrong.
From Elemental Plane (and cited): "The Elemental Plane is the prison plane constructed by the titans in the Twisting Nether..."
--Gengar orange 22x22.png Fandyllic (talk · contribs) 12:14 PM PST 21 Jan 2011
Yes, the Titans created it as a prison to the earth elementals, but my point was that the troggs and earthen creations overseen by the Titanic Watchers. Their creation post-dated the locking of the Plane of Earth. It would be the equivalent of finding storm giants there. Troggs and Earthen are not elementals, but Titan creations and therefore not privy to the whims of any Elemental Lord. And the fungal giants: where did they come from? From the portal to Uldum? There's nothing fungal in Uldum. Blacktouch (talk) 05:04, 22 January 2011
Not sure I want to get into this, but from my understanding, Troggs could be anywhere deep in the earth of Azeroth, so them showing up in Grim Batol is no stranger than them showing up in Uldaman or Gnomeregan. According to the lore troggs were buried by the titans in vaults under Khaz Modan which should include Grim Batol. Now as for why there are troggs in Deepholm, that seems to be more of a retcon. --Gengar orange 22x22.png Fandyllic (talk · contribs) 5:59 PM PST 24 Jan 2011
I understand that the Troggs could very well be in Grim Batol. But they were only put there because the developers didn't have time to create a model for the Skardyn. The Skardyn were talked about in Night of the Dragon, as looking like Dark Iron dwarves if they were part dragonkin. Pretty much picture reptilian Troggs. They were fully intended to be in Grim Batol, as evidenced by the Troggs being called Skardyn in the beta. The Troggs were only supposed to be a placeholder, kinda like the Pygmies looking like gnomes for a while. But in the end, they completely removed the Skardyn from the game and possibly the lore. Blacktouch (talk) 08:03, 25 January 2011 (UTC)