Forum:The Skull of Gul'dan (and Illidan)

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Forums: Village pump → The Skull of Gul'dan (and Illidan)
(This topic is archived. Please do not edit this page!)

Fact: The Skull of Gul'dan contained at least part of his (Gul'dan's) soul after he died.

Fact: Gul'dan's soul continued to communicate with the skull's possessors.

Fact: Illidan Stormrage absorbed the power of the skull, gaining lots of power.

Fact: The Skull does not communicate with players who loot it from Illidan.

Speculation: When Illidan absorbed the skull's power, he actually merged with the soul of Gul'dan, similar to what happened to the Lich King.

Is this theory reasonable? --INV Misc Orb 04.pngXavius, the Satyr Lord 19:54, September 30, 2009 (UTC)

I don't believe Illidan merged with Gul'dan, I would say he absorbed the small residue left in the skull.
IconSmall Hamuul.gif Loremaster A'noob, Arch Druid of the Noobhoof Clan (talk/contribz) 19:56, September 30, 2009 (UTC)
I think it's reasonable, in fact this is one of my fav ideas for what SHOULD have happened. Ner'zhul with Arthas' body vs Gul'dan in Illidan's body in the ultimate showdown which Azeroth has never seen... *sigh* and never will see... Max Krist (talk) 22:43, September 30, 2009 (UTC)
Yeah, I always saw like that, too, Max Krist xDDD.
I think that Illidan could have absorbed his memories, but that's all. The Skull should keep Gul'dan still inside, just like I'm sure Ner'zhul still has some presence in the helm or Frostmourne, which wasn't lost to the fusion with Arthas.--Lon-ami (talk) 14:59, October 1, 2009 (UTC)

Actually it is very plausable, other wise how else would he know of the location of the Eye of Sagares?--The last Alterac (talk) 08:19, January 6, 2010 (UTC)

It is official lore that Gul'dan did NOT merge with Illidan. The latter DID gain the formers memories. --Soulerous (talk) 18:06, 12 November 2010 (UTC)