Forum:Sons of Uther?

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Forums: Village pump → Sons of Uther?
(This topic is archived. Please do not edit this page!)

Apparently it's "a rumor that's been heard too much" - from who? Where are the sources for this? This one person - Vythrin, I think his/her name is - has been posting this crap all over the place, and yet provides no sources and a rather shoddily-written story - a story that includes a character with his/her user name, leading me to believe that this is fan fiction (and so I have moved it to the fellow's user page accordingly). Has anyone heard a credible source for this, or is this just one person's fan fic fantasy? (Say THAT three times fast, lol.) --Joshmaul (talk) 16:49, July 18, 2010 (UTC)

Its a fan fic. I read the thing too and it says that Sylvanas gave them Lordaeron so she could have Silvermoon. Sylvanas doesn't give anything up and the Blood Elves wouldn't be accepting of someone giving their city to any one. --Sairez (talk) 18:50, July 18, 2010 (UTC)