Forum:Sapient Race Template

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Forums: Village pump → Sapient Race Template
(This topic is archived. Please do not edit this page!)

Ok SWM told me to post here about this so i will, basicly i spent a long time at a long time ago fixing the sapient templates, while now Gourra appears and starts remodelling the templates so they fit the name of the article, the name of the article is incorrect, because the original admin that made the templates(because he wouldn't let me) incorrectly named the articles to keep it simple Anyway this is how it's supposed to be named:

-Sapient Species

Containing a united and simplified version of the templates without division of subraces

-Titanic Creations

Containing all titanic creations and it's evolutions

-Azeroth natives

Containing all sapient races native to azeroth

-Azeroth aliens

Containing all sapient races Alien to azeroth

-Demonic and Fel

Containing Sapient demons and fel corrupted races, because it created confusion which fel corrupted races were demon or not

-Nature and Divine

Because calling it Sapient Other is lame and seems like a poor job

Sorry if i sound a little angry or irrational but i spent over a month listening to everyone's complaint's and i would hate it to see it ruined because someone didn't see the full picture of the sapient race templates

Can i change the template to the correct names then?

--Ashbear160 (talk) 00:32, 18 January 2011 (UTC)

You can also read the main discussion when remaking the template, it starts at Messy Template
And after PCJ divided the templates
Changed the templates that gourra didn't mess with so the name is correct now i just need to fix the other two templates with a admin authorization--Ashbear160 (talk) 10:01, 18 January 2011 (UTC)
Can't we get something sorther seriously? Name length is getting way too big.
IconSmall Hamuul.gif Loremaster A'noob, Arch Druid of the Noobhoof Clan (talk/contribz) 10:06, 18 January 2011 (UTC)
I'm sorry i don't like the big names either but it stops from further damage to the article so be it.
Also when moving doesn't it relink?
It's not the first time that Gourra deletes vast swathes of the article to change it according to the name, completely missing the purpose of the article--Ashbear160 (talk) 10:09, 18 January 2011 (UTC)
Redirects, right thanks sky, A'noob you can use the redirects if you want to link it, the redirects are still named the same--Ashbear160 (talk) 15:22, 18 January 2011 (UTC)
I returned to it's original names because of a argument lon-ami said, however i can't seem to change the Azeroth aliens back to it's original name--Ashbear160 (talk) 17:37, 21 January 2011 (UTC)