Forum:Ny'alotha Speculation

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Forums: Village pump → Ny'alotha Speculation
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Ny'alotha is mentioned in the puzzle box of yogg saron to be the place where

In the land of Ny'alotha there is only sleep... In the sleeping city of Ny'alotha walk only mad things...

This may hint as to where N'zoth is located. mainly i see this as Suramar, the night elf capital city that was lost beneath the waves in the first war with the burning legion, as the sunken city where he is located based off 3 phrases from hte puzzle box

In the sunken city, he lays dreaming. The drowned god's heart is black ice. At the bottom of the ocean even light must die Ny'alotha is a city of old, terrible, unnumbered crimes...

the first 3 lines talk about a sunken city, at the bottom of the ocean but the last one is the most evedentiary being a "city of old, terrible, unnumbered crimes. Suramar was the city where they first brought the burning legion to Azeroth, and tried to bring sargeras through if not for the events of the "War of the Ancients".

--Azarinas (talk) 12:58, 5 February 2011 (UTC)