Forum:Nightmare creatures in Legion

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Forums: Village pump → Nightmare creatures in Legion
(This topic is archived. Please do not edit this page!)

In the Broken Isles, there are a lot of Nightmare creatures that use the same base model as various already existing creatures. So far I've seen Nightmare creatures using sha, shaling, mist walker, treant, ancient and orchid models but with a red and black nightmare colour and effect scheme. Should we put them all under their respective races, or do we put them all in a nightmare creature category, and if so what exactly do we call them? Sure the orchids and treants look like they are probably treants and orchids, but the sha lookalikes are probably not really shas. I suppose it depends on what they are aswell. Are the beasts and plants corrupted by the nightmare or spawned by it?

--PeterWind (talk) 09:04, 31 May 2016 (UTC)