Forum:Finishing NPC quotes

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Forums: Village pump → Finishing NPC quotes
(This topic is archived. Please do not edit this page!)

NPC quotes is an incomplete list of all the things non player characters say when you click on them. I am just putting it out there to see if anyone wants to finish it. There is sometimes a call to. I have not gotten around to it...--SWM2448 01:50, 31 May 2009 (UTC)

I think it would be helpful to split the quest-related NPCs from the generic ones (flightmasters, innkeepers, trainers, vendors, etc.). Or split the articles even more. Having just one article could be too huge and unwieldy. Otherwise a good idea that needs helpers. --Gengar orange 22x22.pngBeware the sneaky smile! Fandyllic (talk · contr) 9:33 PM PST 31 May 2009