Forum:Boss strategy summaries

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Forums: Village pump → Boss strategy summaries
(This topic is archived. Please do not edit this page!)


WoWWiki is the first site for raid strategy and general info.

But once I've researched a boss, I find the WoWWiki boss pages are too long and unweildy to use for reference when leading a raid.

So I wrote summaries strategies for myself and my guild:



I was thinking off adding these to the WoWWiki boss pages in a separate section on each boss page.

What do people think about this?

Cheers, Nelfish of Dreadmaul.

--Nelfish (talk) 12:43, 11 July 2009 (UTC)

If you're willing to do the work, it sounds like a great idea. You could start with putting your summaries as a "Summary" sub-section of "Strategy" sections. You might want to put a disclaimer at the top of your summary sub-sections like: Strategy summaries may differ slightly from full strategy descriptions. Feel free to update the summaries, but explain your changes on the discussion page. --Gengar orange 22x22.pngBeware the sneaky smile! Fandyllic (talk · contr) 6:27 PM PST 13 Jul 2009