Forum:(currency) items

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Forums: Village pump → (currency) items
(This topic is archived. Please do not edit this page!)

Should we have a set of categories for "items purchased with (this) unusual currency"? I was looking over Category:Wintergrasp and am a bit dismayed that it seems to consist largely of *most* of the  [Wintergrasp Mark of Honor] items.

It should be noted that both wintergrasp marks and  [Stone Keeper's Shard] vendors are in Wintergrasp. While this would likely result in two categories being included under Wintergrasp (if we decide to go that way), I think we can live with it... :) --Eirik Ratcatcher (talk) 22:19, 6 August 2009 (UTC)

Sounds like a good idea to me, though I'm afraid to ask how such categories would be named. Also to consider: would this apply only to currencies that actually appear on the Currency tab, or also to items like Glowcaps? -- Harveydrone 19:28, 7 August 2009 (UTC)