Forsaken Deckhand

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Not to be confused with Forsaken Deckhand (Zuldazar).
HordeForsaken Deckhand
Image of Forsaken Deckhand
Gender Male
Race Forsaken (Humanoid)
Level 10-30
Affiliation(s) The Hand of Vengeance
Location Howling Fjord

Forsaken Deckhands are members of the crews of The Windrunner, The Oblivion and The Dark Defiance. These people however are losing a battle with the Alliance's North Fleet Marines, who are presumably angry with the deaths of some crew members at the larger fleet of ships to the South. Although having nearly three times the health of the intruders, they seem to be considerably weaker as they are dispatched by the marins with relative ease.

There is also another group of deckhands at an unknown boat further to the South slain by the Kvaldir searching for a lost artifact, ironically stolen from another boat.

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