Forged of Shadow and Flame

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NeutralForged of Shadow and Flame
Start Jordan Olafson [26.3, 41.9]
End Jordan Olafson [26.3, 41.9]
Level 30-35
Category Mount Hyjal
Experience 27700
Reputation +250 Mount Hyjal
Rewards 7g 80s
Previous B [30-35] Into the Maw!
Next N [30-35] Cindermaul, the Portal Master


Destroy 10 Twilight Arms crates.

  • Twilight Arms Crate Destroyed (10)


The weapons the Twilight's Hammer uses against us are crafted by Forgemaster Pyrenduis within these very halls. The metal slices through armor like cheese in the hands of its wielder. Yet, when captured, the steel turns brittle and shatters.

So be it, <name>. I'd rather see those cursed arms smashed than delivered to our enemy.

Seek out the crates of Twilight arms in these caverns and smash them to pieces.


You will receive: 7g 80s


So. Have you done any damage?


Good, good. I like nothing more than to see the works of our enemy destroyed.


Pick up N [30-35] Crushing the Cores and N [30-35] Rage of the Wolf Ancient before heading out. Crates are everywhere in the cave.


  1. N [30-35] The Return of the Ancients
  2. N [30-35] End of the Supply Line
  3. A [30-35] The Voice of Goldrinn / H [30-35] The Voice of Lo'Gosh
  4. A [30-35] Goldrinn's Ferocity / H [30-35] Howling Mad
  5. B [30-35] Lycanthoth the Corruptor
  6. B [30-35] The Shrine Reclaimed
  7. B [30-35] Cleaning House
    • Brainwashing side chain
    1. N [30-35] From the Mouth of Madness
    2. N [30-35] Free Your Mind, the Rest Follows
    • Eye of Twilight side chain
    1. N [30-35] The Eye of Twilight
    2. N [30-35] Mastering Puppets
    3. N [30-35] Elementary!
    4. N [30-35] Return to Duskwhisper
    • Escort side chain
    1. N [30-35] Gar'gol's Gotta Go
    2. N [30-35] Get Me Outta Here!

Foray into the Firelands

  1. B [30-35] Lightning in a Bottle
  2. B [30-35] Into the Maw!
  3. N [30-35] Forged of Shadow and Flame, N [30-35] Crushing the Cores, N [30-35] Rage of the Wolf Ancient
  4. N [30-35] Cindermaul, the Portal Master
  5. N [30-35] Forgemaster Pyrendius
  6. B [30-35] Return from the Firelands

Patch changes

External links