Forge Camps of the Legion (Horde)

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HordeForge Camps of the Legion
Start Overlord Hun Maimfist
End Glyph Inscribed Obelisk
Level 61
Category Hellfire Peninsula
Experience 11,980
Reputation +250 Thrallmar
Previous H [61] The Fel Reaver Slayer
Next H [61] The Legion's Plans
For the Alliance version of this quest, see A [61] Forge Camps of the Legion.


Kill 10 Gan'arg Servants, 5 Forge Camp Legionnaires, and 5 Sisters of Grief, then search Forge Camp: Rage for evidence of the Legion's intentions.


Thrallmar has been subjected to bombardment from the Legion Camps since its establishment. We've managed to hold out so far, but the situation is getting more desperate with every day.

Shadow Hunter Ty'jin has made several attempts to learn more about the camps, but none of his scouts ever returned.

The time for subtlety has passed, <name>. Fight your way into Forge Camp: Rage and find out just what the Legion is up to.


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