For the Tribe

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HordeFor the Tribe
Start Kor Bloodtusk
End Kor Bloodtusk
Level 15-35
Category Krasarang Wilds
Experience 129000
Rewards 10g 20s
Previous H [15-35] Going West
Next H [15-35] The Mantid, H [15-35] The Stoneplow Convoy
For the Alliance version of this quest, see A [15-35] No Sister Left Behind.


Rescue 8 Dawnchaser Captives.


We fell back to the refuge when the mogu attacked but lost a number of our people along the way.

Travel west and north of here and look for any captives you can rescue that could help us in our fight.

Leave any Alliance you find to their fate.


You will receive: 10g 20s


Hellscream's eyes upon you.


We've already lost so many. I refuse to lose any more.


  1. H [15-35] Going West
  2. H [15-35] For the Tribe & H [15-35] The Greater Danger & H [15-35] Re-Reclaim
  3. H [15-35] The Mantid & H [15-35] The Stoneplow Convoy
  4. H [15-35] For Family
  5. H [15-35] Warn Stoneplow

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