Flower Power

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NeutralFlower Power
Start Brazie the Botanist
End Brazie the Botanist
Level 7-30
Category Hillsbrad Foothills
Experience 0
Rewards 8g 60s (+16g 53s at max level)
Previous N [7-30] Basic Botany
Next N [7-30] Ghouls Hate My Grains

This quest is part of the Plants vs. Ghouls quest chain.


Survive a Massive Wave of Zombie.


You know how to use the spitters, but did you know that if you use a sunflower you can grow things faster? We'll grow some sunflowers and then we'll plant some spitters to push back Warden Stillwater's crazed monstrosities.

Let's go!


You will receive: 8g 60s (+16g 53s at max level)


I think that was just the start of it, bud! MORE INCOMING!


  1. N [7-30] Basic Botany
  2. N [7-30] Flower Power
  3. N [7-30] Ghouls Hate My Grains
  4. N [7-30] Someone Setup the Pumpkin Bomb
  5. N [7-30] Lawn of the Dead

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