Fish in a Bucket

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HordeFish in a Bucket
Start Jinar'Zillen
End Jinar'Zillen
Level 10-30
Category Desolace
Experience 1200 EXP
Rewards  [Bloodbelly Fish]


Jinar'Zillen wants you to collect 5 Shellfish from the traps near Shadowprey Village.


I'll reward anyone who makes my life a bit easier... I enjoy doing as little as possible, mon!

Below the docks here in Shadowprey Village, I've many shellfish traps.  If you're kind enough to do my work and collect me my shellfish, then I'll reward you with something you want... get my drift mon?  For every five shellfish you bring me I will give you a fine Bloodbelly fish!


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 1200 XP
  • 20s
You receive
Inv misc fish 06.png [Bloodbelly Fish]


Ya got mah shellfish, mon?


Sweet mon, nothing beats work being done, especially if it's someone else doing the work... eh?

Patch changes

  • Cataclysm Patch 4.0.3a (2010-11-23): Updated from a repeatable turn-in to a one-time quest.

External links