Firing Up the Forge

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NeutralFiring Up the Forge
Start Archmage Karlain
End Archmage Karlain
Level 110 (Requires 110)
Category Dalaran
Experience 16,450
Rewards 100x  [Obliterum Ash]
19g 40s


Use the Obliterum Forge to obliterate Archmage Karlain's Imbued Silkweave Robes.


Are you familiar with the Obliterum Forge? It can be used to destroy crafted gear, yielding valuable Obliterum. I'm personally quite curious to see it in action.

One of my many admirers recently gifted me a set of adventuring robes, but I'm afraid they're not quite my style.

Place them inside the forge and see what happens.


You will receive: 19g 40s

Inv obliterum ash.png 100x [Obliterum Ash]


What are the results, <name>?


Success! While their interior decoration sensibilities may differ significantly from those of Dalaran's architects, the demon hunters do make an efficient forge.

You keep the obliterum, <name>. I have a feeling you'll be needing it eventually.


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