Fire golem

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This article contains lore taken from Warcraft novels, novellas, or short stories.

A fire golem (aka golem of fire) was a creature created through the power of the Demon Soul. It was a humanoid figure with a flaming bone shape and burning skull for a head. Armor appeared as flaming bones covering the monstrous warrior. Their hellish flames give off no physical heat, but if touched, pain such as even a seasoned fighter could not imagine would be caused.[1] Only the holder of the Demon Soul could order the fire golems. Even Zuluhed the Whacked was at risk of getting killed if Nekros Skullcrusher wasn't there to order the golem to let his chieftain pass into Alexstrasza's chamber.[2]


  1. ^ Day of the Dragon, pg. 55-59
  2. ^ Tides of Darkness, chapter 9