Finish What He Started

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NeutralFinish What He Started
Start Guardian Kota
End Guardian Kota
Level 55-60
Category Ardenweald
Experience 12,950
Reputation +160 The Wild Hunt
Rewards 37g 20s 60c
Previous N [55-60] The Absent-Minded Artisan


Use the Gormherd Branch to collect Wild Gorm Gris from gorm in the Dusty Burrows.


Finding Sha'lor is our main priority. But there is another opportunity.

Take the Gormherd Branch that he dropped. I know he was tinkering with it so that it would work on wild gorm.

Use it on the gorm in the burrows, and see if you can collect any of their gorm gris.

Don't bother with the little ones; get the really potent stuff from the bigger gorm.

Perhaps if we can collect enough, and find that silly sylvar, he will not rush horns-first into the burrows again.


You will receive:


Have you had any luck?


Well done. You've collected enough gorm gris to hopefully keep Sha'lor from venturing into the burrows all by himself, again.

And we should be able to send some to our friends in Glitterfall, once all this is over.

Thank you.


The Gormherd Branch extra button becomes available. Use it on Gorm Spewers and Gorm Borers before (or during) engaging them in combat so that they would drop the quest item.


  1. N [55-60] In Need of Gorm Gris
  2. N [55-60] Nothing Goes to Waste
  3. N [55-60] Collection Day
  4. N [55-60] Delivery for Guardian Kota
  5. N [55-60] The Absent-Minded Artisan
  6. N [55-60] One Big Problem
  7. N [55-60] Queen of the Underground
  8. N [55-60] When a Gorm Eats a God

Patch changes

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