Finding Security and Comfort in a Doomed World

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Elemental Unrest
The subject of this article or section was part of the Elemental Unrest, a world event that heralded the beginning of the earth-shattering Cataclysm.
  • Finding Security and Comfort in a Doomed World
  • Quest Item
  • <Right Click to Read>

Finding Security and Comfort in a Doomed World is a quest item for B [80] Prophecies Of Doom.

Finding Security and Comfort in a Doomed World

We live in tumultuous times. War, invasion, and famine have swept the world, but the real trial is yet to come: the end of Azeroth itself.

How will you cope with the loss and destruction of everything you hold dear? The answer is that you don't have to. Bring your friends and family to one of our gatherings and learn how you can survive the apocalypse together, with us.

Patch changes

External links