File talk:Deathwing's plates in Cataclysm.png

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Are you sure those are drogbar? I was under the impression that they were just Twilight's Hammer slaves putting some newer and fancier plates on Deathwing inside the Stonecore, moments before he caused the Cataclysm. It wouldn't really make sense to have the trailer first depict drogbar putting on his first plates thousands of years ago, then suddenly jump forward to the moment of the Cataclysm. Also, you can see some purple Twilight-looking torches in the image, and the humanoid figures look more like humans than drogbar. -- IconSmall TrollDeathKnight Male.gif DeludedTroll (talkcontribs) 10:26, 9 December 2015 (UTC)

Frankly, I don't know - but I put my trust in the user who recently added to the Drogbar-page that the Drogbar were the ones doing it, sourcing a yet-to-be-added quest page, N [10-45] In Defiance of Deathwing. Not sure at all tho if it's a valid source or not.
--Amargaard (talk) 11:36, 9 December 2015 (UTC)
From how I understood it, Deathwing first got his plates during the War of the Ancients. The first set of plates was forged by the goblins and put on by the drogbar. Thousands of years later, after his defeat during the Second War and retreat to Deepholm, he got a newer set of plates by the Twilight's Hammer, which is the set he was wearing during Cataclysm. I believe the trailer depicts the moment when his second set of plates was put on by the Twilight cultists. -- IconSmall TrollDeathKnight Male.gif DeludedTroll (talkcontribs) 11:39, 9 December 2015 (UTC)
I'm with DeludedTroll here.--SWM2448 18:28, 10 December 2015 (UTC)
DeludedTroll has the right of it. You can even see the aftermath of that in the Stonecore. -- Dark T Zeratul (talk) 18:39, 10 December 2015 (UTC)
Alrighty then, I'll remove the pic from the page then. And I figured, why not add it to the Twilight's Hammer-page instead - it clearly lacks some visual magic :)
--Amargaard (talk) 20:26, 10 December 2015 (UTC)