File talk:Chronicle Pandaren v Zandalari.jpg

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1. Maybe it looks a bit smaller than a devilsaur, but to me it looks too big to be a raptor.
2. The armor is a lot more similar to what you'd see on a devilsaur (Oondasta, Defiant Devilsaur) than what you'd see on a raptor. -- IconSmall TrollDeathKnight Male.gif DeludedTroll (talkcontribs) 19:12, 11 February 2017 (UTC)

1. It is definitely not too big to be a raptor, but if that feeling really does stick with you, then it could perhaps be a ravasaur in your case, it is however, definitely not a devilsaur. As devilsaurs are utterly massive.
2. Sure, I can agree with the armour looking similar to that of what the Zandalari devilsaurs wear in-game, however, that is easily argued against. The  [Zandalari Kneebiter] is a raptor, and so are the rest of the battle pets, they're too, wearing armour. And so are the skyscreamers, and the dire horns. Obviously, the Zandalari like to armour up their bestial companions. This includes raptors. Not to mention, the raptor in the image is wearing a lot less armour than the devilsaurs in-game, possibly because it isn't as large and strong as a devilsaur to carry the larger pieces of armour you can see devilsaurs with. (A larger helmet, cannons, huge tail-adornments) --WarGodZajru (talk) 19:23, 11 February 2017 (UTC)
One thing I did miss, though. You can see massive devilsaurs in the background, and one is wearing armour just like Oondasta. So, that only strengthens my point that the center beast in the image is a raptor. --WarGodZajru (talk) 12:58, 12 February 2017 (UTC)