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Fight Plague with Fire

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NeutralFight Plague with Fire
Start Emery Neill
End Emery Neill
Level 45 (Requires 45)
Category Deaths of Chromie
Reputation +100 Chromie
Rewards  [Town Hall Door Key]
Previous N [45] For Emery


Obtain a Flinty Firestarter and some Heavy Straw Rope.


One final request of you, stranger. I've seen what's happening outside, and I've heard about this "plague". I don't want to go down without a fight.

I have enough rum in the back of this bar to set this whole tavern on fire, but I don't have the tools to do it safely. Fetch me a flint and some rope, and I'll give you my key to the backstreets of Stratholme.


You will receive:
Inv misc key 03.png [Town Hall Door Key]


Mad Prince or drooling zombie - nobody's going to take this bar away from me without a fight!


This'll do, <class>.

Take this key. You've earned it.


Use this key to go through the Town Hall. You can get to the back roads of Stratholme through there.


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