Felcast Bracers

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Felcast Bracers is created from  [Baleful Bracers] and  [Baleful Cloth Bracers] when used by a mage, priest, or warlock.

Random enchantments

Please note that these bonuses are base value. Item improvement correspondingly increases the bonus amounts to stats.

Item Suffix Stats Bonus
of the Adaptable +115 Versatility
of the Aurora +44-66 Haste, +44-66 Versatility
of the Decimator +115 Critical Strike
of the Deft +44-66 Haste, +44-66 Multistrike
of the Feverflare +44-66 Haste, +44-66 Mastery
of the Fireflash +44-66 Critical Strike, +44-66 Haste
of the Harmonious +44-66 Mastery, +44-66 Versatility
of the Impatient +115 Haste
of the Merciless +44-66 Mastery, +44-66 Multistrike
of the Peerless +44-66 Critical Strike, +44-66 Mastery
of the Quickblade +44-66 Critical Strike, +44-66 Versatility
of the Relentless +115 Multistrike
of the Savage +44-66 Critical Strike, +44-66 Multistrike
of the Savant +115 Mastery
of the Strategist +44-66 Multistrike, +44-66 Versatility


The bracers have two possible ways of being upgraded: a random chance to be epic and item level 675 upon their creation; and an "Empowered" version (epic and item level 695) created by applying  [Empowered Apexis Fragment] to either version.

Patch changes

External links