Feathers for Nafien

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NeutralFeathers for Nafien
Start Nafien
End Nafien
Level 15-30
Category Felwood
Experience 550
Reputation +300 Timbermaw Hold
Repeatable Yes
Previous N [48] Timbermaw Ally


While you have proven yourself to me, you may need to continue to work toward proving yourself to the suspicious brethren of my tribe. To that end, I may be able to continue assisting you.

Some of the Deadwood furbolgs wear a distinctive headdress that may be used as a means of proof in thinning their numbers. Bring me a feather from any headdresses you acquire; for every set of five you bring me, you will earn recognition amongst the Timbermaw.


Well done, <name>! I will make sure that your deeds are known amongst my kind.

Remember to bring any of the feathers you find to me. I will continue to accept them as long as necessary.


You will receive:

Patch changes

  • Cataclysm Patch 4.0.3a (2010-11-23): Reputation award was increased to 2000.
  • Wrath-Logo-Small.png Patch 3.0.2 (2008-10-14): Reputation award was doubled (to 300).
  • Bc icon.gif Patch 2.2.0 (2007-09-25): Reputation award was doubled (to 150).
  • WoW Icon update.png Patch 1.9.0 (2006-01-03): Added.

External links