Fate of the Queen's Reprisal (Horde)

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HordeFate of the Queen's Reprisal
Start Captain's Foot Locker
End Advisor Stillwater
Level 10-45
Category Azsuna
Experience 18,500
Reputation +250 Court of Farondis

 [Royal Apothecary Robe]
or  [Royal Apothecary Drape]
or  [Decorated Deathstalker Jerkin]
or  [Troll Auxillary Chainmail]
or  [Kor'kron Breastplate]

 [Tablet of Tyr]
Previous N [10-45] The Captain's Foot Locker
For the Alliance version of this quest, see A [10-45] Fate of the Queen's Reprisal.


Take the Captain's Log to Advisor Stillwater at the Windrunner's Sanctuary on Dalaran.


<This is the kind of intelligence that should be shared. Perhaps someone at the Windrunner's Sanctuary on Dalaran will know what to do with it.>


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Inv robe cloth legionquest100 b 01.png [Royal Apothecary Robe] Inv cape legionhonor d 02.png [Royal Apothecary Drape]
Inv chest leather legionquest100 b 01.png [Decorated Deathstalker Jerkin] Inv chest mail legionquest100 b 01.png [Troll Auxillary Chainmail]
Inv chest plate legionquest100 b 01.png [Kor'kron Breastplate]
You will also receive:
Inv misc stonetablet 05.png [Tablet of Tyr]

You will also receive:


<The advisor looks down at what you're offering her and then looks around nervously, straining to give you a rictus grin. She continues in hushed tones.>

Do you know what you have here? You have kept the Alliance from getting their grubby little hands on some rather delicate information.

I will see to it personally that this is safely filed away.


  1. N [10-45] A Favor for Mr. Shackle (optional)
  2. N [10-45] Maritime Law
  3. N [10-45] The Captain's Foot Locker
  4. B [10-45] Fate of the Queen's Reprisal

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