Extraterrestrial Exploration

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NeutralExtraterrestrial Exploration
Start Didi the Wrench
End Didi the Wrench
Level 45 (Requires 45)
Category Engineering
Rewards  [Schematic: Wormhole Generator: Argus]
Previous N Engineering [45] The Wrench Calls


Use the Ionized Geographical Recorder at the locations marked on your map. Return to Didi when you're finished.


<Name>, I hear you've been over to that large green planet in the sky already. Swarming with demons too, I hear.

I was thinking maybe we could put together another wormhole generator for it. Make it easier to zip around the planet.

Problem is we need to get readings on the landscape, and I'd go, but uh... well I need to stay here and run the shop. Can't leave it to these bozos to handle.

Here, take this and get some readings for me, will ya?


You will learn the following:  [Schematic: Wormhole Generator: Argus]


I bet the atmosphere up there is pretty stinky too, maybe I should design a breathing apparatus...


Oh, this is great stuff. That's some landscape up there! Let me just get this information written down...

<Didi begins to scribble some notes on some blueprint paper.>

That should do it. As with all generators, you'll need to use local materials for it, so whatever you can find on that planet should work.


  1. N Engineering [45] The Wrench Calls
  2. N Engineering [45] Extraterrestrial Exploration & N Engineering [45] A Harsh Mistress

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