Exiled by Paranoia

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KyrianExiled by Paranoia
Start Dactylis
End Karaxi the Defector
Level 60 (Requires 60)
Category Path of Ascension
Rewards 25g 74s
Previous N [60] Thran'tiok
Next N [60] Necromantic Power


Find Karaxi the Defector in the Challenger's Promenade in Maldraxxus.


The liches of the House of Rituals were an instrumental piece in the Maldraxxi attack on Bastion. They are not currenty[sic] our allies, and it would be difficult to convince one to let us capture their memory for our training purposes.

We have made contact with a necromancer who has a score to settle with one of the liches. Find her and she will aid you in capturing this memory.


You will receive:

  • 25g 74s


<Karaxi is sifting through a book very carefully.>


My plan is truly coming to fruition. An outsider, here to help me enact my revenge!


  1. N [60] Thran'tiok
  2. N [60] Exiled by Paranoia
  3. N [60] Necromantic Power
  4. N [60] Filching Phylacteries

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