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This is a silly article.
The content of this article is not part of official Warcraft lore, but has nevertheless become part of the World of Warcraft culture or community.
A self-posted image of Exe.

Exe, an undead priest, gained fame after he posted his "Presit Concrens" in the official priest forum. He initially posted his top 5 concerns, expanding to 10. Later he posted his concerns after the launch of The Burning Crusade.

The most well-known catchphrase spawned by Exe is "Remenber, ur teh starship entreprise! Shields up! Pew Pew!"

Similar posts include Alamo for druids, Kralnor for warlocks, Mellin for paladins, Halbrium for shamans, and Stinka for RPers.

Top 10 Presit Concren

1)Heals Often priest need to cast heals in instance but problem is that once healed, warrior gets damaged mroe, and healing must continue

2) Shadows In shadowform, when I cast laser spell, group always says heals but I cast laser pew! and then mrage says heals but he doesnt badage? wtf

3) Itemization This is not a preist concern but in an instane scarlet monestary a staff drops and I roll need but shaman rolls need also, and wins, and this concerns me.

4) That is all for now but there is often other concerns to be raised.

5) Final concern is when I fear monsters then more come, but I fear them again, and even more friends of monsters come, I would think if I was walking around and someone came running by me I woudl run away too, not help them fight

Additional Responses/Concrens

Q u o t e:
How did you do library at level 16?

This is my character when I run through teh scarlet monresatary

It wasnt a library because in my library where I live there is nice people, but these onses attacked my group that was just exploring.

and there were books but it was not library, you are mistaken.

6) Forums posts

I'm concerned when people post "what you run library"??? but you are too low because even though I am low I can still run librarys, you need to level to 60!!

Q u o t e:
I can't tell if this guy is joking or is just a retard.

This post concerns me bcause people say all the time IRL " are you retarded" and I laugh but you say it now too and I am concerned

6) When I rolled a hunter he was level 11 and had his pet and I saw a ?? night elv priest go shadowmelded so I ran up and say to otheres:

There is an ninja healer here!! and they say to use my /pvp (peripheral vision???) command, and I use it and then priest comes unvisible again!

I shoot him with my arrows, buit they do no damage because of cheap spells that he cast that only nightevles cast.

6) Nightelves

THey spin around and cast spin-flip spells and I'm confuesed!!!

Q u o t e:
1. This is why you don't wait till the tanks health is low for a GH. L2flashheal
2. You have VP at 16? Anywho VP is in no way a means to heal people. L2getoutofshadowformunoob
3. Usually when a priest complains about itemization its tier 1,2,3 but SM staff??? how do you even get in SM without aggoing the entire instance
4.If you want to fear/do shadow damage/any damage at all play a lock other wise but your 7 points in holy and STFU

1) is cool I go to priest in Undercity and he is like "yo, u need to trainn greater heals? rank 3" and I train ranks and now is much easier to heal than rank 1

2) I dont have VP, one time I went to doctor b/c I thought I had VP, but he was like 'its cool'

3) I dont agroo the incstance b/c I dont know what that means but basically I make all the monsters come, and then we kill them faster.

5) I put points to get shadow laser spell and put points into discpplin to get shiled spell, so now I'm basically the starship enterprise with shields and lasers, but sometimes I still die to monsters b/c my technology is too low.

Q u o t e:
GL sayd Re (?) spec heal. regarding special heals believ eis important, i say true, but laser +++ fase melting. Help?
exe plz respond.

Tell ur GF to come abnd be aware!! concrens that of those affecting us must be known!!

Q u o t e:
     ____.----' '' ' "" " """ " "" ` `` `----.____
          `---.___``` ` "" " "" ' '''___.---'
            .---. `------.___.------' .---.
               ((___)) \``|_|''/ ((___))
                `-.-' __>\|o|/<__ `-.-'
                  | .'.'__|_|__`.`. |
            `------|_.-' .---. `-._|------'
                    `-._ `---' _.-'
Pew! Pew!

My interenet language translater does not show question properly: I try to answer--

Mankrik's wife - u go down from X-roads until bridge, then near there is hut, sh sleepin insides. Whanch out for birds and a raptors!!


Today I play in test servers for PURPLE TECHNOLOGIES!

When into game, sum1 message me and say "yo, MCRag?" and "I'm like yeeah, mcdonalds does sukc, nad I already had subway!"

Sooo, he gives me inviete and then we go throuugh portals and a bar and more portals basically to the surcface of the sun (but in a cave).

IT was very dangersou and often peoples are diieing and saying "haels!" and I avenge tgheir deaths with lasres and stuff.

FInally we get to boss...

Anyways, when boss dies he drops items:

Concren 7) Which for a priest is best: - petition's blade? - eye of sulfrras?

BLUE PLEASE RSONPOND! Roll timer is almoust out...

okay so yestreday I was running raound killin reds and sum1 mssg me like: "hey u want to run RFD" and I was like "Imma shadrow priest pew!"

I treid to type /ignoure but it dint work!!!!

But then IRemembered that the Razour fking Den was in barrens where i grew up! Many times I try to type messages about stuff there but pig man were attack me! TIME FOR REVNEGE!

So me and group go into instrnace and past a gong and stuff. Then we trashed skeletons having a rave!! EMO IS DEAD FOOLS!!!

9) Concern: The whole time we were in instance mrage keeps telling me stuff abuot shackles!! I'm liek "im not into S&M lol!!"

I open a ticket say can u ban mage for hrassment?

Plz ban!

10) Deleted QQ

Remenber, ur teh starship entreprise!

Shields up! Pew Pew!

Q u o t e:
I really want to try a new class, and I'll be rolling a new char on one of the new servers.
I know Warlocks are what everyone rolls these days, but I like the priest for the healing and demand for instances.
Couple Questions:
1. How are shadow priests in PVP these days?
2. Everyone used to say it sucked being a priest in pvp because you get zerged in pvp. Is it still a problem?
3. How difficult/easy is it to hit rank 10 in a shadow priest as compared to a warrior (warr is all I really know)?
Thanks for any input.

1. bsiacially u will melt faces and stuff. I think there is some thread where ssum1 says "r priesits good?" and teh ansewer is "melt faces...yespew!"

2. This is ez, just when u zone into AB always maek sure u say "NR 5min" and ususally the zerglings will not attack u until you havec reavers. if they still rush then u say "GG NO RE"

4. For pvp u are have to attack peoples to build up ur rank and this is what you do to get to R10

Here are steps:

A) Shielsds up! B) PEW PEW!

Q u o t e:
it is too late for you night elf. to be like Exe your mother must be on crack, pot, heroin, exctasy, toad, smack, whippets, shrooms, and draino while your father is an inbred, albino, melon headed, midget. these two must then mate on the 67 of xanorco during the warmest winter of the century. the mating ritual must last only .00001 of a second. That is how you become Exe.
much love you crazy prest. pewpew. if your the starship enterprise then who is Cpt. Piccaird?

Why must u turn neew forurms into a TERRRIOBLE HOUSE OF LIES???!

My fahter is not a mkidget!!

Q u o t e:
level up noob

Professenol Power Levling Serveice!

Steps to power level ($4.99/hour):

1) Roll Presit

2) Spec Enterprise shadows/lasers


This was a talent calculator link with an impossible spec, which had 7 points in [Shadowform], 3 points in [Silence] and 6 points in [Mind Flay].

Note: Talenlt point in HOly was misclick.

3) Level ur oppenoents into ground with lazers

Furhether steps to help always apprecioanted! leave ur own specs/tips (mine is best)

pew pew!

Q u o t e:
In teh nam of Exe I levle U into teh ground newb!!
Exe is the master, how do you get 7/1 in shadow form and 3/1 in silence?!?!?!?1

Normally u cant do this unless u put 6 pts into Mindlflay (pew!)

Q u o t e:
Please dont post when inebriated or on meth. /ty

Inebriate?? I don know what ur trying to say, but she isn't pregnant

Q u o t e:
Someone nominate this guy to class representative - or at least give his text its own color, like orange - legendary compared to Blizz's rare.

Damn I thought my text was ornage already :(


Turns out I am just colorblinded :(

Presit Guide 2 Warsong Gluch

Presit Guide 2 Warsong Gluch:

1) Firset RUle is u do not talke about Warsong Gultch


3) 3RD rule is one team gos limp, afk's out, teh fight is over and no gyard camps!!!

4) Fourth rules is there is onlys 1 carryier at a time who is highest and best level and haels for him.

5)zergs in one place at a time fellas, lawl

6)no skills, no moves? gtfo!

7) Fights will go on as long as tehy have to until 1 team has to go to bed and they is like "I need get to sleep" and then afks out.

8) If this is ur first night at WSG, u have to fight

Top 10 BC Presit Concren

I am playing in my inmagination on my shradow preist and we r raidgin some blind night elf dude, guess what happen:

I am prew pew pew! and then everyone disconnects :(

Because Vempiric Embrace an Bad Touching things, and it keep popping up so many damn text things on people's screen and then they yell at me :'(

neways, b/c its my dream I kill that Nefl dude alone and then switch factions and levitated over lava and mass mind control them all in at teh same time which was pretty sweet. I think presists should have mass mind control instead of mass dispel. Or we could keep mass dispel, but instead it dispels peoplse minds and then we can control them all.


Some moer concrens:

3) Shadowfiend is new spell, but fiends r mean, should be changed to shadowfriend

4) Emoword:death because ur sad wehn u don kill someone so u cut yourself??

5) I cast mass dispel on ur mom but she is still fat? WTF?!?

Forum post dleted

After a forum purge, he posted this.

hello mister ________,

[ ] Blizzrd!

[X] Blue

[ ] WOW commnuity

[ ] Presxident

I R ________________

[ ] riader

[ ] casuusal!

[ ] pvpper.

[X] Concrerned Presit

[ ]

Blizzzred has been very clearoly on issue of ___________

[ ] 40 man raided instrance

[ ] Casually

[ ] Warcklocks

[ ] Haels!

[X] Forum post dleted

This issuie basically ____________

[ ] A slaped in the face!

[ ] terrible terrinble lies!


[ ] Sploits of govnermental law!

[X] Why u do dat?

This must resolved! Blizz must: ____________

[ ] Impllement a causualled 5-man dungeron

[ ] Easy epics for to give casually must stopped

[ ] Introdurce PVP focusing for playing that one would expecting!!!

[X] Build a time mchine, travle back to teh future. 88 mph is what is nneded to prevent self from repeats of mistake!

[ ] Nerf Huntres!!!

[ ] Derive a system of communication in regards to this overly steep response so that further incidents can be pre-emptively resolved or altogether avoided. The obvious solution is to introduce an improved method of interaction and discourse towards this and similar issues. An air of openness in combination with allowed freedom of expression is all that is desired.

In conclusion, I would like to say that I am: ___________

[ ] My dreams are shattred

[ ] QQ crying unctronllably! :*(

[ ] Canelded my account!

[ ] Fix plz blizzard use it's 3000 million dollars per month to fix!

[ ] (>^(>O.o)>