Etched Rune

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The Etched Rune was provided as an objective for A IconSmall Dwarf Male.gifIconSmall Dwarf Female.gif Hunter [3] Etched Rune and A IconSmall Dwarf Male.gifIconSmall Dwarf Female.gif Hunter [1] Etched Rune.


Tamer of beasts, master marksman, proven tracker--what else ya want to accomplish in this lifetime? All those things combined takes[sic] quite a bit of intelligence and a great deal of patience.

The path of the hunter ain't an easy one, that's fer sure. You're gonna need lots of training if you wanna be as good as even our lowest ranking rifleman. But that's why I'm here.

Find me inside Anvilmar overlooking Coldridge Valley. I'll be waiting.

-Thorgas Grimson, Hunter Trainer

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