Enchanted Illidari Tabard

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  • Enchanted Illidari Tabard
  • Item Level 1
  • Shadowmoon Valley
  • Quest Item
  • Unique
  • Tabard
  • Equip: Disguises the user as a blood elf servant of Illidan.
  • Duration: 60 min (real time)
  • "The illusion effect of this item only works at the Eclipsion Fields."
An Enchanted Illidari Tabard.

The Enchanted Illidari Tabard allows the wearer to pass undetected among the Blood Elves at the Eclipsion Fields.


This item is provided as an objective for B [25-30G3] Dissension Amongst the Ranks...


  • The disguise effect only works in the Eclipsion Fields of Shadowmoon Valley.
  • The tabard will only last for one hour in your inventory.

Patch changes

External links